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Writer's pictureJaycie Martini

Keep Out Bugs

I get it...Bugs are great for the ecosystem and in the big scheme of things! Although, I would rather not deal with them or worry about them damaging my things if I did not have to. Who's with me?

Below are a few tips and tricks you can try to help keep these pesky pests away from the things you are storing in your unit! Let us know if you try them and how well they worked for you, or tell us what you have found works! We would love to know.

Prepare for Move-In

Before you start loading your unit, check it out! Sweep it and make sure it's all clean before you start stacking boxes or totes. If there are any spiderwebs, make sure to get rid of those. Then, spray your unit with bug spray. After you've done those things, start unloading! Your unit has been prepped.

Storage Bins

You can stop bugs from getting in your things by choosing the right storage bins! Most often, people will use cardboard boxes to move or keep their things in. They are lighter, less expensive, and can be easily folded up and put away for a different time. I don't blame you for using them. I know I do. Although, it is so easy for bugs to find their way inside these boxes.

That's why I recommend getting durable plastic storage bins like these. These bins have clip on lids that seal everything inside. They keep bugs out, protect the things you are storing, and they are easily stack-able to organize your unit and provide you more space. If these don't fit your style or budget, you can look at several other kinds and colors at Walmart, Amazon, Target, and other common stores.

No Food

It's never a good idea to store food in your unit. Storing any type of food will only attract bugs and maybe even critters. So, keep your emergency food storage at home somewhere safe and off the ground. When trying to keep bugs out of your unit, the last thing you want to do is attract them. That will only make things worst for your unit and the units surrounding yours.

Bug Traps

Bug traps work and are a great inexpensive option for you! They are sold at most stores and are not hard to find. I recommend trying these traps from Amazon. You can get a large pack of them and get them shipped to you in a couple days with an Amazon Prime Membership.

All you have to do is set the trap up in the corners of your unit and wait! Give it a few days, then come back to check on it and see how many bugs the traps have collected. The traps last a long time. Depending on how many bugs they catch per day, I have seen them last 3 months! That means... If you set up one trap, out of your 90 traps, in each corner of your unit (4 traps), and those traps only lasted a month, you wouldn't run out of new traps for at least 22 months! That's awesome.

One of the best parts is, they are completely safe. They use a heavy glue instead of insecticides and harmful chemicals. There are several companies that sell and distribute bug traps. If the one I linked does not suit your needs, feel free to shop around and find ones that work for you!

Wrap Upholstery Items

It is important to keep all of your items safe, but it is especially important to keep the more expensive items safe... Am I right? Furniture is comfy and warm, and unfortunately, insects tend to think so as well. That's why I recommend wrapping up and covering all your upholstery items. This will also protect from dust and moisture. If you want more bank for your buck, I recommend getting this. You get 1000 ft. of plastic wrap (so, you do not have to worry about running out) for just $20.00. Cover your couches and chairs with this, and although it may take some time, it is totally worth it. It will keep bugs, dust, water and most things fluids out.

Visit Often

There is a wide range of the number of times that an average person will visit their storage unit while they are renting it. Some people go months without going to their unit, and others visit their unit multiple times in a day. That is largely dependent on what you use your unit for. Regardless, you will find less insects in your unit the more often you visit it. If a unit is left sitting for a few months without movement or noise, it can be inviting. Keep this in mind if keeping bugs out is extremely important to you. If you do not plan to visit your unit often, definitely look into placing bug traps around your things.

There are tons of ways to keep your unit clean and mostly-bug free. It may take a little work, but I say it's worth it for a peace of mind. I recommend you do not store super valuable items that can be ruined. At the least, get insurance on your unit. Feel free to research other ways you can keep bugs out, and let us know what has worked for you!

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